
Thursday, November 29, 2012


...would have told us so much had we only gotten this picture from the orphanage before Gotcha Day!


  1. That picture is SO FUNNY!!!! What a huge blessing that CC is so healthy! Praise God for the amazing ways He cared for her!

  2. Very cute! It looks like there will be no rest for you! She is going to keep up with the other two for sure!

  3. Oh shoot, everything I just wrote was lost. I was waiting with baited breath to see your post as our daughter is waiting for us in Zhuhai also. I am kicking myself that I didn't think to contact you before you went to the orphanage. Your daughter is absolutely beautiful and sweet and spunky :) I hope you have someone back home who is able to babyproof before you get there! Our daughter turned 3 this past August. She is in the Sunshine preschool so I don't know if you got to see her. I will anxiously wait for your next post. May God bless your travels and continued attachment. Paige~another Zhuhai mama (almost)
